Turning Rejection into a $95 Million Business (with George McMahon)
George McMahon was working for someone else when he took an idea that would grow the company to its leadership. They were not interested. That’s when George decided to take a risk—to pursue his idea and start his own company, with nothing more than his confidence in his idea and his ability to make it work, and a strong work ethic. Listen in as George describes how in just 10 short years he turned that decision—and a $10,000 credit card advance to start the business—into a $95 million company. George also shares many valuable insights into what he learned along the way.
George McMahon has been an entrepreneur in the infrastructure equipment and services industry for his entire life. Prior to founding American Infrastructure Partners, a family owned and operated investment firm, with his wife Sarah, George was the CEO and Founder of Utility Fleet Sales, a full-service company providing equipment sales, rental, remanufacturing, and service to the North American utility and infrastructure industry. George founded Utility Fleet in 2005 with a $10,000 credit-card advance, industry knowledge, unwavering courage, indefatigable work ethic, Internet savvy and a dream to build the largest independent used bucket truck dealer in the country. Ten years later, he realized this dream and sold his company to Blackstone, the world's largest private equity firm, for $95 million.
With AIP, George and his team are on a mission to help other business owners replicate this success. The mission of AIP is to invest in and build exceptional companies in the infrastructure equipment and services industry. They pride themselves in partnering with ambitious business owners and management teams to provide capital and operational resources to grow existing business segments, acquire new ones and explore new business opportunities.
Bigger Than Business is the show where you’ll discover real-world stories of business owners living their purpose. You’ll encounter men and women all over the world who draw strength from understanding why they do what they do and how they remain true to that purpose through the ups and downs every business owner will face.