Bringing CPA Firms into the Future (with Jackie Meyer)
How can you shed 60% of your client base and still grow? How can a CPA take time off right before April 15, a notorious deadline in the industry, while others are sweating and working overtime? How can setting boundaries with your clients lead to a prosperous, more holistic business?
Listen as our guest, Jackie Meyer, tells us how she built her own practice after being fired for having too much of an entrepreneurial mind-set, what attributes led to her becoming a much sought-after consultant on best practices, and how what she calls Meraki Leadership leads to a fulfilling life in both work and at home.
Jackie Meyer leads Meyer Tax Consulting, a team of top-tier talent across the US, that specializes in Tax Strategies Planning, Business Development and Leadership Coaching programs for a high return on investment. Jackie also founded TaxPlanIQ, a tax firm planning application that helps with calculations, planning and organization, and she has pledged to dedicate ten percent of the profits to charity this year. Jackie, a CPA, Certified Concierge Accountant, and a Certified Tax Specialist, is a member of the Forbes Finance Council and has written several published articles for Forbes, which can be found online. She earned a BBA Finance from the University of Texas at Arlington, a Master of Science in Accounting from Southern Methodist University, and is currently working on a Doctorate of Strategic Leadership at Regent University. Jackie is married to Mark, and they live in Southlake, Texas, with their two children.
Bigger Than Business is the show where you’ll discover real-world stories of business owners living their purpose. You’ll encounter men and women all over the world who draw strength from understanding why they do what they do and how they remain true to that purpose through the ups and downs every business owner will face.